Tightness around upper pec major

Had tightness around upper pec major today that I noticed around 4pm. This came on very quickly and was uncomfortable while driving. Possibly due to bat-wings having an effect on this area that is known to be tight? How could this be as I never worked my chest?

Rubber balled pec and managed to drag myself to gym at 9pm so again I am training late and was going to give it a miss. Did a little less with 5 sets of dumbbell press and 4 sets of cable flies for lower pecs.

Around 10pm rubber balled pecs & shoulders. Massaged neck on bar and found very tight on r/h. This area on r/h was almost like a lump that reduced and separated with massage bar. Stretched neck & traps on table. Knee cap alignment with last 6″ leg raise and foam rolled legs.

Mischief managed!