Failure to Stretch & Massage – No Shoulder Pain!!!

Its Friday night and Chest & Biceps tomorrow. I have failed again to do the stretching and massage that I promised my self and was just about to go though the rubber ball routine when I noticed that my right shoulder was not hurting and doesn’t click or crunch when I rotate it!!!

This is a surprise as i have done no rehabilitation at all over the last few days since the last monster workout of the compound lifts.  Is this due to the better shoulder position and less aggravation to the shoulder joint and all surrounding muscles due to the compound lifts? Is it due to the stretching and massage during these lifts or a culmination of all of the above?

I still have tightness around the neck, traps and chest but I will be working on this tonight and first thing in the morning before the split routine.  The interesting thing to note is that the problems that i have had for over eight or nine months have seemingly reduced without me cutting back on training.  So the question is…is this due to the type of training?  Further to this my shoulders look and feel like they are sitting correctly.

I have my opinions on this but further investigation is required before I commit.  Two moves…Deadlifts & Parallel Barbel Rows!!!