Inner Thigh Pain Test

Carried out the deep pause squat with breathing in the hole today and also did Bulgarian split squats and lunges. I pushed the boundaries a little bit to test the inner thing strength by doing dynamic split squats and lunges holding 1.25kg plates in each hand and touching just in front of my forward foot. It was a tough workout that left me puffing like a train.

I did this to see if my inner thighs could take this kind of dynamic stretching and for the first time for weeks I felt inner thigh tightness that developed into muscle ache. The split squats and lunges were previously tested with 30kg on a bar and similar sets/reps but were done much slower. These were carried out at a fast pace and the effects with a much lower weight are clearly evident.

Deep pause squats with breathing in the hole may work these inner thigh muscles but they would not appear to prepare them for the dynamic stretching exercises as carried out. I wonder if this would be come apparent if I performed Olympic style deep squats using the bounce reflex for the next compound squat period and then repeated the above trial of dynamic split squats and lunges with the same hand held weights?

Massaged inner thigh on landing bannister and did some split legged stretching and removed swelling, aches and tightness!