Tanita Scales Table & Leg Exstentions

While doing squats today I gave my Tanita Composite scales tables that I have been completing since 6-1-15 to one of the instructors as he was curious about the differing results that I have been getting. I am aware that measurements will normally be taken once a week but if my weight differs by as much as 1kg per day and 1.5kgs per week I could be weighed on two different weeks and be 3.3lbs lighter or heavier. This is the reason why I have never really weighed myself and taken much interest in what the scales say. I have always figured the best measurements are the tape and how you look in the same mirror!

Right knee crunching again which has come on progressively over last few days. I have again neglected my maintenance program and things have tightened up. Carried out some leg extensions through the last 6″ to re-align knee cap on kitchen table at home yesterday and did the same with light weight in the gym today. I will build this up over the next week and monitor progress.